

Displaying 1921 - 1940 of 2522

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/02/12 1st Corinthians Ch 14 v26 - Ch 15 v 28 Nathan Ward Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sun 1st Sermon 1st Corinthians Ch14-15.mp3
08/29/12 Synopsis of the Old Testament Pt 8 Charles Glass Bible Class Synopsis of the Old Testament Wed PM Synopsis of the Old Testament 8.mp3
08/26/12 A congregation of leptons Tom Hamilton Sermon N/A Sun 2nd Sermon A Congregation of leptons.mp3
08/26/12 What is my religion worth? Tom Hamilton Sermon N/A Sun 1st Sermon What is my religion worth?.mp3
08/26/12 1st Corinthians Ch 14 Nathan Ward Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sun 1st Sermon 1st Corinthians Ch14.mp3
08/22/12 Synopsis of the Old Testament Pt 7 Charles Glass Bible Class Synopsis of the Old Testament Wed PM Synopsis Part 7.mp3
08/19/12 Love Your Neighbor. Matthew Ch 7:12 Nathan Ward Sermon Sermon on the Mount Sun 2nd Sermon MatthewCh7v12.mp3
08/19/12 Service: The missing piece of the puzzle? Tom Hamilton Sermon N/A Sun 1st Sermon Service The Final Piece of the Puzzle?.mp3
08/19/12 1st Corinthians Ch 13 Nathan Ward Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sun 1st Sermon 1st Corinthians Ch13.mp3
08/15/12 Synopsis of the Old Testament Pt 6 Charles Glass Bible Class Synopsis of the Old Testament Wed PM Synopsis Pt 6.mp3
08/12/12 A Kingdom for the Asking. Matthew 7:7-11 Nathan Ward Sermon Sermon on the Mount Sun 2nd Sermon A Kingdom for the Asking.mp3
08/12/12 Luke 16 Tom Hamilton Sermon N/A Sun 1st Sermon Luke16.mp3
08/12/12 1st Corinthians Ch 12 Nathan Ward Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sun 1st Sermon 1st CorinthiansCh12.mp3
08/08/12 Synopsis of the Old Testament. Pt 5 Charles Glass Bible Class Synopsis of the Old Testament Wed PM Synopsis of the Old Testament5.mp3
08/05/12 Adopted by God Tom Hamilton Sermon N/A Sun 1st Sermon Adopted by God.mp3
08/05/12 1st Corinthians Ch 11:17-34 Tom Hamilton Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sun 1st Sermon 1st Corinthians Ch11vv17-34.mp3
08/01/12 Synopsis of the Old Testament. Pt 4 Charles Glass Bible Class Synopsis of the Old Testament Wed PM Synopsis Of the Old Testament Cont.mp3
07/29/12 Judging. Matthew 7:1-6 Nathan Ward Sermon Sermon on the Mount Sun 2nd Sermon Judging.mp3
07/29/12 Theories of Evolution and Intelligient Design Lawson Winton Sermon N/A Sun 1st Sermon Theories of Evolution and Creation.mp3
07/29/12 1st Corinthians 11:2-16 Nathan Ward Bible Class 1 Corinthians Sun 1st Sermon 1st CorinthiansCh11vv2-16.mp3

Displaying 1921 - 1940 of 2522

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